JVA Bernau Biogasanlage
Plant size: 190 kWel
A virtuous story from a social and environmental point of view, where the commitment of people on the one hand and the ex- ploitation of organic materials on the other generates a synergy of real sustainability. More than 200 inmates, who helped build and implement the biogas plant and the agricultural business, are brought together with the prison staff by a common goal in keep- ing with the requirements of the prison facility and budget.
Since its activation, the plant has brought to life an example of a virtuous circular economy, contributing significantly to the re- duced consumption of fuel for heating. Most of the electricity pro- duced is used by the facility itself and only the excess is fed back into the grid.
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Grass silage, cow manure, pig manure, corn silage

Use of biogas
Production of electricity and heat

Use of digestate
It re-enters the agricultural production plant cycle, helping to improve quality and quantity