Services for permits

Thanks to an in-depth knowledge of building and environmental regulations, BTS Biogas is able to provide a new highly specialised consultancy service regarding permits for the construction and operation of biogas and biomethane plants.


On behalf of its customers, BTS Biogas can:

  • prepare the technical/environmental, construction and fire prevention documentation to obtain the single permit of Legislative Decree 387/2003 and PAS Legislative Decree 28/2011;
  • prepare ENEL/SNAM connection applications for connection to power lines and methane pipelines;
  • for plants powered by FORSU/organic waste, produce complete PAUR and AIA files;

Finally, BTS can actively support its clients in presenting the project to regional, provincial and municipal public bodies and participate in the necessary service conferences and technical meetings at the administrations and bodies involved in the authorisation procedure.

The consultancy service is aimed at all companies that are planning to build a biogas and/or biomethane plant, regardless of the technology to be installed. In this case the drawings must be provided by the client or the technology supplier of the same.

Indicative list of the permits that we are able to obtain that converge in the single procedure 387/2003:

  • The integrated environmental permit pursuant to legislative decree no. 59 of 18 February 2005, implementing Directive 96/61/EC in full;
  • landscape permit pursuant to article 146 of Legislative Decree no.42/2004, as amended;
  • the assessment of the environmental impact envisaged by the second part of the legislative decree no. 152/2006 under the competence of the state or region;
  • permit for atmospheric emissions provided for in part five of Legislative Decree 152/2006, pertaining to the region or province;
  • permit for waste management pursuant to Part Four of Legislative Decree 152/2006;
  • authorisation of the management body of the protected area referred to in Law 394 of 6 December 1991;
  • the building permit referred to in the D.P.R. 380 of 2001, under the jurisdiction of the Municipality concerned;
  • opinion of conformity of the project with the fire prevention regulations, as per article 2 of Presidential Decree 37 of 12 January 1998, issued by the Ministry of the Interior - Provincial Fire Brigade Command;
  • authorisation of the Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Air Force) for military easements and for the safety of low-altitude flight only if necessary and only in the case of plants located near areas subject to military constraints;
  • hydrogeological clearance provided by the Royal Decree 3267 of 30 December 1923, in compliance with the provisions of Article 61, section 5 of Legislative Decree 152/2006;
  • seismic clearance pursuant to Law 64 of 2 February 1974 and subsequent implementing measures;
  • clearance for flight safety to be issued by the civil aeronautics (ENAC-ENAV), pursuant to the Royal Decree 327 of 30 March 1942 containing the navigation code;
  • temporary or definitive change of intended use of land encumbered by civic use as per law no. 1766 of 1927, as amended;
  • authorisation to cut down trees provided for by regional laws;
  • verification of consistency with the limits on noise emissions issued by the competent administration pursuant to law no. 447 of 1995, as amended;
  • clearance from the inspectorate of the Ministry of Communications, now the Ministry of Economic Development, pursuant to Article 95 of Legislative Decree No. 259 of 2003;
  • authorisation to cross and use roads pursuant to the Highway Code;
  • authorisation for discharges issued by the competent authority pursuant to Legislative Decree 152/2006;
  • mining clearance relating to the interference of the plant and the related electricity grid connection lines with the mining activities pursuant to Article 120 of Royal Decree no. 1775 / 1933;
  • environmental impact assessment;
  • movement of olive trees;
  • compilation of online forms on all public administration sites;
  • other (upon request).

You can contact him at the following addresses
or by filling out the form below