Soldati Holstein
Plant size: 300 kWel

This plant is a virtuous example of the circular economy perfectly integrated into the Soldati Holstein farm: a modern farm of about 1,200 animals, attentive to animal welfare and agronomic regeneration of the 230 hectares of land it cultivates. A responsible investment that integrates the company’s economic activity without distorting it and at the same time generates green energy.
This is a typical 300 kWel agricultural biogas project with energy supplied to the grid, heat used to heat fermenters and digestate spread on the soil. It has an innovative pre-treatment system of solid biomass entering the plant with automatic expulsion of aggregates/undesirables, which, by optimising the solid/liquid mixing of by-products and avoiding the entry of aggregates into the fermentation tanks, allows the improvement of the anaerobic digestion process to the benefit of the plant’s operation.