Capvert Aoste

CVE Aoste is the methanization unit of the municipality of Aoste en Isère and allows the valorisations of the organic matter produced within a radius of 60 km of the plant.
The plant produces 245 Sm3/h of biomethane, which is supplied to the natural gas network, as well as 16,000 m3 of digestate per year that is used in local agriculture.
The plant treats up to 18,000 tons per year of agricultural by-products, agri-food companies (including supermarkets, school canteens, catering) and the treatment of municipal organic waste.
The plant’s production is equivalent to the annual gas consumption of 3,300 households.

Over 18,000 tons of organic matter per year

Production of biomethane to supply the grid

Heating of tanks and pasteurization systems

Spreading in fields as an organic fertilizer