South Milford
United Kingdom
Plant size: 500 kWel/h + 500 Sm3/h biomethane

The plant is designed to receive 60,000 tons per year of food waste and clippings. After the pre-treatment modules and the fermenters for anaerobic digestion, a membrane purification system was engineered and developed: the latter allows the transformation of biogas into biomethane and to introduce it directly into the national gas grid. This allows the valorisation of the biogas produced with maximum efficiency and reduces CO2 emissions to a minimum.
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100% organic waste and industrial food processing scraps

biogas use
Electricity production
Upgrading and production of biomethane for direct supply to the grid

Valorisation of thermal energy
Heating of fermentation tanks
Upgrading units and pasteurization system

digestate use
Production of 50,000 t/year of pasteurized liquid fertilizer