News | March 2022

New BTS Biogas service: Authorisation Consultancy


Thanks to its detailed knowledge of building and environmental regulations, BTS Biogas is able to offer a new, highly specialised consultancy service in the field of authorisations for the construction and operation of biogas and biomethane plants.

In particular, on behalf of its customers, BTS Biogas can:

  • prepare the technical/environmental, construction and fire prevention documentation to obtain the single authorisation relative to Legislative Decree 387/2003 and PAS Legislative Decree 28/2011;
  • prepare ENEL/SNAM applications for the connection to power lines and methane pipelines;
  • produce complete PAUR and AIA paperwork for OFMSW/organic waste fuelled plants.

Lastly, BTS can actively support its customer for the presentation of the project to regional, provincial and municipal public bodies and participate in the required service conferences and technical meetings at the administrations and bodies involved in the authorisation procedure.

The consultancy service is aimed at all companies that are planning to build a biogas and/or biomethane plant, regardless of the technology that will be installed.
